用C++做业务发开的同学是否还在不厌其烦的编写大量if-else模块来做接口参数校验呢?当接口字段数量多大几十个,这样的参数校验代码都能多达上百行,甚至超过了接口业务逻辑的代码体量,而且随着业务迭代,接口增加了新的字段,又不得不再加几个if-else,对于有Java、python等开发经历的同学,对这种原始的参数校验方法必定是嗤之以鼻。今天,我们就模拟Java里面通过注解实现参数校验的方式来针对C++ protobuf接口实现一个更加方便、快捷的参数校验自动工具。
// int32类型校验规则 message Int32Rule { oneof lt_rule { int32 lt = 1; } oneof lte_rule { int32 lte = 2; } oneof gt_rule { int32 gt = 3; } oneof gte_rule { int32 gte = 4; } repeated int32 in = 5; repeated int32 not_in = 6; } // int64类型校验规则 message Int64Rule { oneof lt_rule { int64 lt = 1; } oneof lte_rule { int64 lte = 2; } oneof gt_rule { int64 gt = 3; } oneof gte_rule { int64 gte = 4; } repeated int64 in = 5; repeated int64 not_in = 6; } // uint32类型校验规则 message UInt32Rule { oneof lt_rule { uint32 lt = 1; } oneof lte_rule { uint32 lte = 2; } oneof gt_rule { uint32 gt = 3; } oneof gte_rule { uint32 gte = 4; } repeated uint32 in = 5; repeated uint32 not_in = 6; } // uint64类型校验规则 message UInt64Rule { oneof lt_rule { uint64 lt = 1; } oneof lte_rule { uint64 lte = 2; } oneof gt_rule { uint64 gt = 3; } oneof gte_rule { uint64 gte = 4; } repeated uint64 in = 5; repeated uint64 not_in = 6; } // float类型校验规则 message FloatRule { oneof lt_rule { float lt = 1; } oneof lte_rule { float lte = 2; } oneof gt_rule { float gt = 3; } oneof gte_rule { float gte = 4; } repeated float in = 5; repeated float not_in = 6; } // double类型校验规则 message DoubleRule { oneof lt_rule { double lt = 1; } oneof lte_rule { double lte = 2; } oneof gt_rule { double gt = 3; } oneof gte_rule { double gte = 4; } repeated double in = 5; repeated double not_in = 6; } // string类型校验规则 message StringRule { bool not_empty = 1; oneof min_len_rule { uint32 min_len = 2; } oneof max_len_rule { uint32 max_len = 3; } string regex_pattern = 4; } // enum类型校验规则 message EnumRule { repeated int32 in = 1; } // array(数组)类型校验规则 message ArrayRule { bool not_empty = 1; oneof min_len_rule { uint32 min_len = 2; } oneof max_len_rule { uint32 max_len = 3; } }
上述规则被划分为4大类:数值类规则(Int32Rule、Int64Rule、UInt32Rule、UInt64Rule、FloatRule、DoubleRule)、字符串类规则(StringRule)、枚举类规则(EnumRule)、数组类规则(ArrayRule), 每一类后续都会有一个对应的校验器(参数校验算法)。
然后,拓展protobuf字段属性(google.protobuf.FieldOptions),将字段校验规则拓展为字段属性之一。如下图:扩展字段属性名为Rule, 其类型为ValidateRules,其具体校验规则通过oneof关键字限定至多为上述9种校验规则之一(针对某一个字段,其类型唯一,从而其校验规则也是确定的)。
// 校验规则(oneof取上述字段类型校验规则之一) message ValidateRules { oneof rule { /* 基本类型规则 */ Int32Rule int32 = 1; Int64Rule int64 = 2; UInt32Rule uint32 = 3; UInt64Rule uint64 = 4; FloatRule float = 5; DoubleRule double = 6; StringRule string = 7; /* 复杂类型规则 */ EnumRule enum = 8; ArrayRule array = 9; } } // 拓展默认字段属性, 将ValidateRules设置为字段属性 extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions { ValidateRules Rule = 10000; }
说明: 上述接口定义中,通过扩展字段属性validator.Rule(其内容为上述定义9中类型校验规则之一)限制了用户年龄age字段值必须小于等于(lte)150;名字name字段不能为空且长度不能大于32;手机号字段phone不能为空且必须满足指定的手机号正则表达式规则;邮件字段允许为空(默认)但如果有传入值的话则必须满足对应邮件正则表达式规则;others数组字段不允许为空,且长度不小于2。
有了上述接口字段定义后,需要校验的字段都已经带上了validator.Rule属性,其中已包含了对应字段的校验规则,接下来需要实现一个参数自动校验算法, 基本思路就是通过反射逐个获取待校验Message结构体中各个字段值及其字段属性中校验规则validator.Rule,然后逐一匹配字段值是否满足每一项规则定义,不满足则返回FALSE;对于嵌套结构体类型则做递归校验,算法流程及实现如下:
#pragma once #include#include #include #include #include #include "proto/validator.pb.h" namespace validator { using namespace google::protobuf; /** 不知道为什么protobuf对ValidateRules中float和double两个字段生成的字段名会加个后缀_(其他字段没有), 为了在宏里面统一处理加了下面两个定义 */ typedef float float_; typedef double double_; /** * 数值校验器(适用于int32、int64、uint32、uint64、float、double) * 支持大于、大于等于、小于、小于等于、in、not_in校验 */ #define NumericalValidator(pb_cpptype, method_type, value_type) \ case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##pb_cpptype: { \ if (validate_rules.has_##value_type()) { \ const method_type##Rule& rule = validate_rules.value_type(); \ value_type value = reflection->Get##method_type(message, field); \ if ((rule.lt_rule_case() && value >= rule.lt()) || \ (rule.lte_rule_case() && value > rule.lte()) || \ (rule.gt_rule_case() && value <= rule.gt()) || \ (rule.gte_rule_case() && value < rule.gte())) { \ std::ostringstream os; \ os << field->full_name() << " value out of range."; \ return {false, os.str()}; \ } \ if ((!rule.in().empty() && \ std::find(rule.in().begin(), rule.in().end(), value) == rule.in().end()) || \ (!rule.not_in().empty() && \ std::find(rule.not_in().begin(), rule.not_in().end(), value) != \ rule.not_in().end())) { \ std::ostringstream os; \ os << field->full_name() << " value not allowed."; \ return {false, os.str()}; \ } \ } \ break; \ } /** * 字符串校验器(string) * 支持字符串非空校验、最短(最长)长度校验、正则匹配校验 */ #define StringValidator(pb_cpptype, method_type, value_type) \ case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##pb_cpptype: { \ if (validate_rules.has_##value_type()) { \ const method_type##Rule& rule = validate_rules.value_type(); \ const value_type& value = reflection->Get##method_type(message, field); \ if (rule.not_empty() && value.empty()) { \ std::ostringstream os; \ os << field->full_name() << " can not be empty."; \ return {false, os.str()}; \ } \ if ((rule.min_len_rule_case() && value.length() < rule.min_len()) || \ (rule.max_len_rule_case() && value.length() > rule.max_len())) { \ std::ostringstream os; \ os << field->full_name() << " length out of range."; \ return {false, os.str()}; \ } \ if (!value.empty() && !rule.regex_pattern().empty()) { \ std::regex ex(rule.regex_pattern()); \ if (!regex_match(value, ex)) { \ std::ostringstream os; \ os << field->full_name() << " format invalid."; \ return {false, os.str()}; \ } \ } \ } \ break; \ } /** * 枚举校验器(enum) * 仅支持in校验 */ #define EnumValidator(pb_cpptype, method_type, value_type) \ case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##pb_cpptype: { \ if (validate_rules.has_##value_type()) { \ const method_type##Rule& rule = validate_rules.value_type(); \ int value = reflection->Get##method_type(message, field)->number(); \ if (!rule.in().empty() && \ std::find(rule.in().begin(), rule.in().end(), value) == rule.in().end()) { \ std::ostringstream os; \ os << field->full_name() << " value not allowed."; \ return {false, os.str()}; \ } \ } \ break; \ } /** * 数组校验器(array) * 支持数组非空校验、最短(最长)长度校验以及Message结构体元素递归校验 */ #define ArrayValidator() \ uint32 arr_len = (uint32)reflection->FieldSize(message, field); \ if (validate_rules.has_array()) { \ const ArrayRule& rule = validate_rules.array(); \ if (rule.not_empty() && arr_len == 0) { \ std::ostringstream os; \ os << field->full_name() << " can not be empty."; \ return {false, os.str()}; \ } \ if ((rule.min_len() != 0 && arr_len < rule.min_len()) || \ (rule.max_len() != 0 && arr_len > rule.max_len())) { \ std::ostringstream os; \ os << field->full_name() << " length out of range."; \ return {false, os.str()}; \ } \ } \ \ /* 如果数组元素是Message结构体类型,递归校验每个元素 */ \ if (field_type == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) { \ for (uint32 i = 0; i < arr_len; i++) { \ const Message& sub_message = reflection->GetRepeatedMessage(message, field, i); \ ValidateResult&& result = Validate(sub_message); \ if (!result.is_valid) { \ return result; \ } \ } \ } /** * 结构体校验器(Message) * (递归校验) */ #define MessageValidator() \ case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: { \ const Message& sub_message = reflection->GetMessage(message, field); \ ValidateResult&& result = Validate(sub_message); \ if (!result.is_valid) { \ return result; \ } \ break; \ } class ValidatorUtil { public: struct ValidateResult { bool is_valid; std::string msg; }; static ValidateResult Validate(const Message& message) { const Descriptor* descriptor = message.GetDescriptor(); const Reflection* reflection = message.GetReflection(); for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); i++) { const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor->field(i); FieldDescriptor::CppType field_type = field->cpp_type(); const ValidateRules& validate_rules = field->options().GetExtension(validator::Rule); if (field->is_repeated()) { // 数组类型校验 ArrayValidator(); } else { // 非数组类型,直接调用对应类型校验器 switch (field_type) { NumericalValidator(INT32, Int32, int32); NumericalValidator(INT64, Int64, int64); NumericalValidator(UINT32, UInt32, uint32); NumericalValidator(UINT64, UInt64, uint64); NumericalValidator(FLOAT, Float, float_); NumericalValidator(DOUBLE, Double, double_); StringValidator(STRING, String, string); EnumValidator(ENUM, Enum, enum_); MessageValidator(); default: break; } } } return {true, ""}; } }; } // namespace validator
以上就是C++ Protobuf实现接口参数自动校验详解的详细内容,更多关于C++ Protobuf接口参数校验的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!
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